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Earth Schools' In-School Program
For Students K - 12


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Unedited Testimonials:    From the mouths of babes:))

Thank you for showing us Nature. Thank you for telling us about Native Amimcans. Your song was great. I hope you can come back. Thank you Mr. Cleveland


Nhuvi T.

Dear Mr. Cleveland,

Thank you for comeing to the Shcool. It was fun like going to six flags.


Khya H.

Dear Mr. Cleveland,

I liked the part when you hade the bark in your hand. Then you had the coal in your hand. You are a very cool man.


Kayleigh S.

Mr. Clevland,

Love dosn't come from presnts, it comes from your heart !


Dear Mr. Cleveland,

Thank you for coming to teach us about the Native Americans everything was very cool ! It was nice seeing you. I hope I see you next year.


Chris C.

Dear Mr. Cleveland,

Thank you for the stuf you shuo us I like the skin of the fat mouse and it was cool. I like the part of the fire and the arroheds. the arroheds were difrent colers there really cool. thank you for coming here.

from Sergio H.

Dear Mr. Cleveland,

Thank you for coming to our school. Your show was great. I liked your caveman expresron. I hope you come agin thank you for coming.

Your friend,

Christa B.

Thank you !

For coming to our School ! I liked everthing that you did. Expesholy the fire. I hope I see you this year or next year ! Good - Bye !

Julie P.

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